100 Club Rules
The purpose of the 100 Club* is to raise funds. The money will be held by the GRPA and used to meet funding requests from The Grange School Rowing Club only, providing equipment and opportunities for our rowers.
Monthly draw will take place on the last day of each month (12 draws per year)
For a cost of £5 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one available number between 1 and 100 (this will be amended in increments of 50 as interest increases). Payment will be collected monthly via the website or there is the option to pay annually (i.e. £60 per year). Details of both options can be found on our website www.grangerowing.com
Each monthly draw awards 3 prizes of 15%, 10% and 5% of the total monies collected that calendar month for first, second and third prizes respectively. So when 100 numbers are sold the value of each prize will be £75, £50 and £25.
The 100 Club* is a private lottery and is open to all parents and carers of rowers, staff of the Grange School and family and friends of GSRC members wishing to support the GRPA. GRPA trustees are excluded from participating.
Participants must be over the age of 16
Only allocated numbers will be entered into the prize draw
The winning numbers will be published on our website within 72 hours of the draw taking place. Winning members will be contacted to arrange payment of winnings.
If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into GRPA funds after six months from the date the draw took place.
The GRPA reserves the right to change the name of the 100 Club* as it grows.
Membership of the 100 Club* can be cancelled by contacting the GRPA at the email address below. For those paying monthly cancellation will be effected from the next calendar month. For those paying annually cancellation will be effected at the end of the 12 month period i.e. no refunds will be issued.
* see point 9